USAID launches Wildlife-Free Gifting Campaign to decrease demand for pangolins in China

On June 20, USAID Wildlife Asia launched the first phase of the Wildlife-Free Gifting Campaign that discourages the practice of gifting friends with meals serving pangolin meat.

Using a targeted media strategy, campaign materials will reach an estimated four million people who are interested in wild meat, especially pangolin meat, for one month.  During this period, 30 key opinion leaders from different social platforms such as Weibo, Toutiao, and Xiaohongshu will be promoting the campaign’s key message: embrace a harmonious life with a green lifestyle by saying no to illegal wildlife products. So what? Gifting that includes treating friends to meals with rare foods is a major driver of consumption of illegal wildlife in China. Reducing the acceptability of gifting wildlife products will decrease the demand for endangered animal species such as pangolin.